She manages to get into contact with an expedition survivor, Dr. Upon exiting the cave, Tasi comes across an abandoned French fort and quickly discovers the entire garrison had been slaughtered by some unknown force. Distraught, Tasi continues on to try and find the rest of the expedition. Tasi eventually finds Salim's corpse, having already succumbed to the mortal wounds he suffered in the plane crash. As she navigates a cave, Tasi realizes that she had somehow come into possession of a Traveler's Amulet, an alien device that allows her to travel through Rifts to a dead alien world. Determined to find her husband Salim, Tasi braves the dangers of the desert to follow the trail of her expedition. After her plane crash-lands in a desert in Algeria, she wakes up to discover that all of her companions have gone missing and that she has no recollection of what happened immediately after the crash. The story follows Anastasie “Tasi” Trianon, a French archeologist on an expedition in colonial Africa. The game is set in March 1937, approximately 98 years after the events of The Dark Descent.

Instead, it will bring the player a bit forward, allowing the player to skip the monster encounter entirely during the player's second attempt. Unlike the first game, when the player is killed, the game would not reload an earlier save point.

The game does not feature any combat system and when Tasi encounters a supernatural creature, she could either run or hide. Solving puzzles, hiding from monsters, and managing light sources can control her fear, preventing such from happening. Grotesque images will also pop up in the screen. Fear would overwhelm Tasi when she walks completely in the dark, causing her to hallucinate and hear whispers in her head. Like the first game, Tasi's fear level would build up gradually. Players also need to solve various puzzles to progress in the game, and read the notes left by non-playable characters to know more about the story. Players can also scavenge matches, which can be used to light up mounted torches and candles. The game is dimly lit, and players must use light sources, such as Tasi's own fuel lamp, to see clearly and find ways to progress. The player assumes control of Tasi Trianon, who must wander through desert caves and ancient tombs in order to find the whereabouts of her companions. Like The Dark Descent, the game is played from a first-person perspective.